We venture into the provocative realm of AI’s role in strategic games and its real-world ramifications. Hernan discusses the historic matches of AlphaGo and AlphaZero, highlighting AI’s unprecedented capabilities in generating novel strategies. But the conversation takes a serious turn as we address the ethical and responsible use of AI in military contexts, where decisions can literally be a matter of life and death. This chapter emphasizes the necessity for inclusive, diverse discussions and continuously evolving governance frameworks to ethically harness AI’s power.

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Follow The Brand. We hope you enjoyed learning about the latest marketing trends and strategies in Personal Branding, Business and Career Development, Financial Empowerment, Technology Innovation, and Executive Presence. To keep up with the latest insights and updates from us, be sure to follow us at 5starbdm.com. See you next time on Follow The Brand!


Special thanks to @Hernan Londono joining this amazing episode. This is incredibly advantageous if you have your own podcast to promote. Since the audience is already listening to podcasts, meaning they’re much more likely to subscribe to your own podcast.


Hernan Londono

Dell Technologies

Step into the realm of resolution as I, Grant McGaugh, engage with Hernan Londono whose extensive expertise as Dell Technologies.

The complexities of AI, free speech, and legal ramifications unfold as we dissect a real-world incident involving OpenAI and Scarlett Johansson. Hernan also explores the transformative impact of AI across industries, from AI-generated music to business strategy, urging the development of governance frameworks that ensure transparency, accountability, and equity. Join us for this compelling exploration of AI’s future and its governance within business and beyond.

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Follow The Brand! We hope you enjoyed learning about the latest marketing trends and strategies in Personal Branding, Business and Career Development, Financial Empowerment, Technology Innovation, and Executive Presence. To keep up with the latest insights and updates from us, be sure to follow us at 5starbdm.com. See you next time on Follow The Brand!

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